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Theatre Scholarships

Theatre scholarships at Northwest are awarded annually to New First-Year Theatre Majors (including First-Year Transfer students) as well as Returning Theatre Majors and Minors on the basis of theatre accomplishments, academic excellence, and expected involvement with the theatre program (all scholarships are based on the availability of funds).

2024-2025 Scholarship Dates and Deadlines

First-Year Students (including Freshmen and Transfer Students)

Incoming First-Year students (including transfer students) are invited to schedule a theatre scholarship audition and interview. Auditions and interviews can be completed on campus or by video conference via Zoom.  

If you are traveling to campus for an admissions tour and are interested in having a scholarship audition that day, please mention this to your admissions counselor when scheduling your campus visit to confirm that it will fit into your daily schedule. Next, contact Theatre Program Coordinator, Dr. Joe Kreizinger (, and every effort will be made to accommodate your request to coordinate an audition and interview on the day of your campus visit.

We are unable to see any new student auditions after April 1, 2025, for students who are starting at Northwest in the fall of 2025.

Audition Dates

To schedule your scholarship audition & interview (highly recommended), please contact the theatre program at While any day is possible for a theatre scholarship audition (pending availability of faculty), you are encouraged to come to one of our two on-campus theatre scholarship opportunities. They are Fall Theatre Visit Day and Spring Theatre Visit Day.

Date(s) Details

Fall Theatre Visit Day, Friday,
October 4, 2024

In-person Audition/Interview times are available at 4:30 PM. 

Contact Dr. Joe Kreizinger ( to schedule your audition. 

Spring Theatre Visit Day, Friday,

February 21, 2025

In-person Audition/Interview times are available at 4:30 PM. 

Contact Dr. Joe Kreizinger ( to schedule your audition. 

First-Year Scholarship Audition/Interview Details

  • Theatre education majors, theatre performance majors, theatre tech/design majors, and theatre B.A.majors are all eligible to audition for theatre performance or technical/design scholarships at Northwest.
  • All students who are auditioning for a theatre scholarship of any kind, should complete the form below and return it to Dr. Joe Kreizinger at

    Scholarship Application Form View PDF

  • Students who are auditioning for performance scholarships with monologues should prepare two contrasting pieces (one serious, one comedic, about one minute each) from published plays to perform during their audition.
  • Students who are auditioning for a design or technical theatre scholarship should bring a portfolio or samples of their work to present to the faculty, and/or be prepared to discuss their high school tech/design interests and your interest in tech/design at Northwest.
  • Students who are theatre education majors or B.A.s may audition for performance and/or technical/design scholarships.
  • Members of the theatre faculty will interview each applicant about their theatre experience, college goals, and career goals after the student presents their work.
  • Students will be scheduled in 20-minute appointments to allow time to get to know one another and discuss the student's goals.
  • After March 1, it is possible that we can still see students for scholarship interviews pending available funding. We are unable to see any new student auditions/interviews after April 1, 2025.
  • You must be a high school senior (or equivalent) or transfer student who will start college at Northwest Missouri State University in Fall 2025 as a theatre major (Theatre Performance, Theatre Tech/Design, Speech/Theatre Education, or Theatre B.A.) to be eligible to receive a theatre scholarship.
  • If you have any questions about scholarship auditions and interviews, please contact Dr. Joe Kreizinger via email at

Returning Theatre Majors and Minors Scholarship Audition/Interview Details

Students should use the Standard Scholarship Application to apply for Northwest Foundation and most major-specific scholarships. Students will be able to complete that application on CatPAWS under the Students tab.

Important! Returning theatre students must also apply directly to the theatre program for Service Awards. That deadline and forms will be available on V-Callboard.

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