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Maintaining a positive culture is the primary focus of the Bearcat Marching Band

We do so by valuing two primary facets of participation: a positive daily experience and quality in preparation and performance. As a result, the ensemble regularly boasts a strong retention rate (approximately 70% of those eligible to continue do so).

The BMB is open to students of all majors, with typical membership consisting of 70% non-music majors. The music program at Northwest as a whole values participation from students across our campus in classes and ensembles.

A home away from home!

A home away from home!

The idea of sending our sons, Sam and Nathan, to school seven hours away from home was a little worrisome. Thankfully our sons joined the BMB where they started their college lives with other students of similar interests, values and views!

Within that setting, the BMB created an atmosphere of expectations, peer support, friendship and an escape from the academic grind. This was a family atmosphere from day one and it was the place where their maturation and independence were nurtured and we could not be more proud!

– Jim and Cindy Gutierrez

BMB Camp Registration

All students who are accepted to Northwest and committed to taking part in the Bearcat Marching Band (BMB) must register for summer band camp. We recommend that students who are planning to participate register for camps by July 1 to assist us with the timeline for ordering materials and designing drill. Interested colorguard members must complete the audition process to insure you are selected for the group before registering for camps.

Register Now



The BMB includes the following wind instruments: piccolo, flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, trumpet, mellophone, trombone, baritone, and sousaphone. All students with successful high school band experience on these instruments are welcome to take part in the ensemble.

Auditions for winds are for part/octave assignments only. They occur the first day of band camp, are performed for section leaders, and consist of selected major scales and “Wings of Victory,” the Northwest Missouri State Fight Song. Interested members may access their part for the fight song below.

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Winds Audition Material


The percussion section in the BMB is battery only, including snare drum, tenor drums, bass drums, and cymbals. Students planning to participate will audition the first day of band camps to determine their assigned instrument in the group. We highly recommend that all who plan to audition prepare audition materials for more than one instrument. All students with successful high school percussion experience are welcome to audition—pending the availability of instruments, all auditionees are accepted in the ensemble.

View 2024 Audition Packet View PDF


Auditions for the BMB Colorguard take place in April and consist of a session on fundamentals followed by an on-the-spot routine learned to music. At the end of the audition session students will perform the routine in groups. A registration form for auditions is opened in early spring.

Colorguard Auditions


Dr. Kathryn Strickland
Director of Athletic Bands | Assistant Professor of Music